Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Here are photos from after our Ford Fiesta big day.

After we received the keys I drove out to Las Vegas where I am currently at now.
As soon as I drove away from the Willow Speedway meadows I notices allot of people looking and pointing. Even one guy tail gated me and popped his head out the window smiling and asking "What kind of Ford Focus is that? Is it out yet?" I responded yelling out the window "No it is a 2011 Ford Fiesta and I came from the future! I came on a time machine and you wont see this car out until 2010 summer!"

The best part on the road I grabbed my Sony Webbie to film a guy driving an awesome yellow custom Mustang. It was bad! real bad looking and were driving side by side like Fast And the Furious as I had the camera on him. He was looking at me and trying to figure out what I was driving. I continued to pass him by.


I let the sun follow me to let me know when is the right to to pull over on the long stretch of road on HWY 15 in the Mojave dessert to Las Vegas and finally an exit comes up as the sun was about to drop behind the mountain. I quickly set up my cameras and started doing video and taking photos. I will have the videos up sometime this week. I had to ignore the group of young people (Early 20s) who were asking about what I was doing and what kind of car was it. They were not close enough to see it was a Ford. Then a truck driver from Ohio asked the same questions. After I had taken my last photo and video shots of the car as the sun drops behind the desert mountains I finally answered their questions as they had realized I was trying to beat the sun.


Filming on HD for youtube and broadcasting live for the hundreds of viewers on http:www.justin.tv/mooncricket
I explained to them how I got the car with the Fiesta Movement and I gave them all my business cards that has the fiesta movements website on it. I told them they can get allot of info on the car there as well. I told them they can follow me on twitter and youtube to see new videos about he car. It is interesting to see other people who are complete strangers get so excited as well. It is like they are already showing they want to be apart of this movement. So I told them that they can go to the Fiesta website and look up what city they will be doing test drives so they can get a chance to experience this movement. The truck driver travels a lot so he said he will for sure find a test driving location.


After the sun dropped and 500 plus viewers watching me broadcast the entire trip to Las Vegas I glanced in the chat room and saw they were loving the lighting in the car as it was getting dark. Some said it look like a space craft as I responded saying the dash looks like an alien. UFO driving through the Mojave right? lol. Well What caught my eye while it was getting darker was the nice ambient light. Tiny little orange lights above point down to add light where your ipod is located. Under the radio more of this ambient orange redish light where your cell phone or business cards go. It changed my mood from the classic hip-hop songs I was playing to switch my ipod playlist to "Hackers" movie soundtrack. The soundtrack has allot of ambient feeling lounge feeling to it with a little bit of dance beat for that Fiesta feeling. I just went in deep thought the entire way to Las Vegas feeling relaxed after all the excitement from the entire Fiesta Movement trip.


I finally made it to Las Vegas and I still had plenty of gas as it beeped with the gas light on and it says I still can drive another 50 miles before going empty. I like the 50 mile heads up on the gas, especially when driving through the mojave desert it was useful. I am currently preparing the youtube video and more photos for flckr.

1 comment:

  1. Oh amazing shots! i wish i waited more towards dusk to take my photos. great great job. love the lens too, lol

